acer Tablet for home

Design lead @ acer + IDEO
2013. 06 - 2013. 09

Between mobile and stationary devices, a new category of devices that are used mainly around the home becomes interesting.

Most people never take their tablet out of the home.

After the all-purpose and the highly portable tablet, a larger screen emphasizing immersive and shared experiences seems to be an interesting direction.

About the screen size

When portability is not critical, consumers always go for larger screens - just as long as it ts the size of their wallets. Even when portability - or pocketability - is critical, many consumers still choose a larger screen.
That’s why we chose
 to explore the largest screen we could do, while retaining the things that people love about tablets.



The integrated stand is needed to make users feel comfortable with handling the larger and heavier screen. It enables them to behave in familiar, casual ways with this new device.

The large screen should be paired with an accessory when introduced to consumers.

With several useful features in a compact space saving form factor.


We explored the idea of a home tablet that could be dressed up with accessories for specific contexts of use.

As a group, they proposed a series of hypotheses.


What we learn from users

We took these into the eld to get some feedback and spoke to 12 people in six households.

That our hypotheses were well received by the users.
The size of the screen was new and intriguing and it retained the positive attributes of tablets.
When paired with accessories it sparked users imagination and helped them see how it would fit in their lives.
The large screen should be paired with an accessory when introduced to consumers.

We see a spectrum of options moving forward